Wow, the end of 2005 is coming, so - same procedure as every year :-D
In my case that will be the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress. Just finished booking the train ticket and hotel.
The line-up of interesting talks is quite overwhelming this year. There are a lot of talks about buffer overflows and related topics - I am very curious about new approaches and developments concerning that craftwork...
The degree of collateral damage for this years congress will also be very amusing :-D. Last year we got a mass defacement for over 18.000 websites. Well nothing spectacular, but it hit the news and makes up the reputation...
If you are interested in digital life and/or computer security you may want to check out the 22C3 webblog or the schedule.
You also attend the 22C3? If you like get in touch with me... I am always happy to meet new and interesting people.